

One searched to raise the studies on the motivation of the employees, its historical concept, models of motivation. This work is delimited for the accomplishment of one analyzes and interpretativa of these collected data, searched in this process to structuralize and to start to construct a monographic work. The used methodology is the descriptive through bibliographical research, documentary research and research of field. 2. MOTIVATION ORGANIZACIONAL. Esteem? Auto confidence, auto accomplishment, creativity, auto floating and complex development. In similar way, Mascovici teaches that ‘ ‘ the motivation the man as soon as it satisfies a desire soon appears another one, successively (MASCOVICI, 1995, P.

77; FIORELLI, 2004, P. 123). The simple comment of the daily one makes possible to always conclude that the immediate necessities do not obey, the sequence proposal in the hierarchy of Maslow. To satisfy the idea to the people they abdicate of the satisfaction of necessities of inferior categories. Of these ideals they extract the energy to fight until sacrificing the proper one life and of its followers; Individuals support privations of all the orders to preserve its groups of friends, moved for powerful forces of emotional origin to the times with serious physical and psychic damages; family parents sacrifice themselves to get stability in the home or the job, many times supporting privations and sufferings; Artists support necessities notables in the search of the auto accomplishment that the art provides to them. As Fiorelli (2004, P. 123) verifies in these inversions of hierarchy the presence of on factors to the individual, to the familiar group, to the historical moment, the society. However in each independent theory of the way where it lives, of its differentiated necessities, its emotional one.



One of the isolated traces of this language is that it does not mention itself to an objective reality, and yes to an internal and abstract reality; conceptual or emotional, therefore what it tries to describe and the content that cannot be known or be nominated in common way as, for example: the mythical experience of God or deuses. Therefore, we understand that it is a language of symbols, of metaphors, a correspondence language. Some historians see the myth as a religious phenomenon, that is, as the attempt of the man to return to the original act of the creation; other sociologists see that the importance of the myth is not in its content, but in its structure, one time that it discloses mental processes universal. In psychology, the myths are seen as an important base for the human behavior, some theoreticians had wide used myths in its works; whichever the theories regarding the origins and functions of myths these remain basic for the conscience human being (BAPTIST, 2003). The varied societies meet in all myths, even so have different ways to function in each one of them. The myths can try to explain the origin of the universe, and the humanity, the development of institutions politics or the reasons of the practical rituals.

The myths many times describe the exploits of deuses, supernatural beings, or heroes who have to be able enough to transfigurar themselves in animals and to execute other fantastic and extraordinary feats. Some anthropologists had passed much time having tried to differentiate history myth, but this can exert the same functions of the myth, and the two types of narratives, on the past, some times if they confuse. One perceives that some theoreticians interpret myths as forms of old scientific or religious thoughts; others see and understand the myth as explanation for the social order. It is important to stand out that the myths hide one meaning mysterious through the analyses, and a infinity of definitions and the most varied explanations of has despertado the interest of studious of diverse areas.