
Henan HongXing

Mineral processing is a complex process. It involves crushing, grinding, screening, gravity separation, flotation separation, magnetic separation etc. In comminution, the particle size of the ore is gradually reduced. It is composed of a sequence of crushing and grinding processes. And then the materials will go through screening process.

Screening aims to separate particles according to their sizes and their acceptance or rejection by openings of to face screening. Then, the fine material need to be beneficiated llegar concentrates. There are many types of ore processing plants involving in the mineral processing procedures, such as crushing, grinding mills, vibrating screen and feeder, gravity separator, flotation machine, magnetic separator etc. In mining processing plant, impact jaw crusher plays a very important role in it. Impact crusher can crush granite, basalt, bluestone; etc the diameters of which are from 100 mm to 500 mm, and its crushing compression strength is not more than 320Mp. It features: big reduction ratio, high crushing efficiency, and convenient maintenance. The final product is desirable for device aggregation used in highway and railway surface and water and electricity industry.

Some main iron ore mining techniques such as drilling, blasting, excavation, extraction, crushing, grinding, beneficiation, and processing of iron ore produces iron or steel. Ore extraction is the process of removing material from a deposit and encompasses all activities prior to beneficiation. Iron ore beneficiation concentration, generally by physical removal of unwanted gangue includes; also considered beneficiation is the regulation of product size, or other steps such as agglomeration to improve its chemical or physical characteristics prior to processing. Processing of the concentrated product into iron or steel typically involves the use of pyrometallurgical techniques. Mineral processing is to make the raw ore materials from the mine into a marketable product. It is the very complex process. The whole process involves many mineral processing technics and different types of mineral processing plants. Besides a great company should be mentioned, Henan HongXing is a professional mineral processing plants manufacturer.



When we have a girlfriend who wants to end a relationship that has lasted for a long time, things can be intolerable. At the moment you listen to already do not want to, they can spend thousand things through your mind until EU te das account that you’ve lost to one of the people most important in your life. Though the situation of if it is already very difficult, your feelings become even more intense when you realize you want to recover it. Recover to an ex-girlfriend requires much perseverance and confidence. If you really want to return to your life, you have to be willing to give the best of yourself. Techniques to recover to my Ex-Girlfriend give you time and a have a Plan to achieve this first must give you the necessary time for all those negative feelings of dissipate. We know that these depressed and feel betrayed.

But to continue with the process of retrieving your girlfriend, you need to show you that you are well and that you are willing to do things differently. Once you have collected to you himself, has a plan that the attention towards you. Doesn’t have to be a romantic dinner in a exclusive restaurant. Only has to be something casual, an opportunity that you of the chance to speak with her. Once you’ve done plans suitable to create the opportunity to talk to her, make sure that you do everything you need to make it work. On the next page you will learn some tricks to win back your ex. You can apply these psychological techniques to make your ex want to be with you again.


Technology System

At least that’s what you want to get General Motors with the new V2V system. The basic idea is that if the cars were able to detect the presence of obstacles or hazards, accidents were reduced sharply. It seems so easy to imagine a communication system via a wireless network, that contact to vehicles located within a range of action. Once in contact, the cars share all kinds of data: speed, position, State of asphalt, climate but more importantly, also warned emergency messages if accidents or malfunctions occur. Also communicate with other vehicles, anticipating events and preparing the brakes, the emergency lights and other safety systems. The problem in implementing the technology in a commercial way is political: remains to decide which will be the communications standard, the language that all manufacturers use to make the autosusados to communicate among themselves. In the United States they already took a step forward, fixing one 5 communication bandwidth, 9GHz. How to work the idea is that as soon as an accident with a vehicle occurs, all drivers who surround him and their cars are aware to prevent more serious consequences.

For example, if a car stops on the way, who chase him may be knowing it. With that same criterion may tell if several cars are slowing sharply ahead, delete the known dead spots on mirrors or detect in advance how two vehicles approaching a dangerous crossing. But there don’t just use, the V2V also alert if approaching us an emergency vehicle, which would eliminate the sirens, or even advises if a zone of works that delayed speed ahead. For people who enjoy the innovations of the automotive world, seeing things as they give us a great satisfaction because that means we go along and not retrociendo like many people said. This shows us once again that we are going forward.


Places Of Refuge For Children In The Region

Child Welfare Association Wolfsburg helmstedt e.V. launches project ‘Children’s emergency island’ Wolfsburg/helmstedt, 4 June 2012 the Kinderschutzbund (basketball) Wolfsburg helmstedt e.V. launches the project of children’s emergency island. While local businesses show a striking emergency Island sign on her door. They signal that seeking help children: where we are, you’re safe. In Wolfsburg and the region, a variety of shops already supports the project. There is also encouragement by the cities and towns. So the Lord Mayor in Velpke, helmstedt, and Konigslutter have already confirmed the participation in the project.

The patron of the city of Wolfsburg is the Landtagsabgeordnete Angelika Jahns. Under the telephone number 05361 / 8916143 of the children welfare association, interested local businesses for more information. Shops like bakers, butchers, hairdressers, pharmacies, Cafes, banks and other retail stores are addressed. Public institutions can participate in the project. They indicate children in dangerous situations Staff with the appropriate sign. So, for example, when older classmates or criminals threaten young children on the way to school. This offer is valid but also smaller issues, such as for example when a missed bus or a lost wallet.

Emergency employees an instruction upgraded get in the stores for the real thing. In addition to information on how to respond, there is an emergency telephone number for the appropriate region respectively. One of the first children emergency Islands is the business of Haase writing & give”in downtown Wolfsburg. Gladly we participate in this project”, as the proprietor of Petra Haase. I think the children’s emergency Island worthy, because we all should look out, if there are children in need”, as h. The basketball calls also schools and kindergartens in the region schools and kindergartens as multipliers in addition to searching for appropriate emergency Islands, to participate in the project. The basketball support using special school materials. So you want to Children playfully learn what means the emergency Island icon. Among other things a city rally, where in the form of a quiz questions around the emergency Island to answer are among the materials. The children in the participating emergency Island shops find the solutions. But even parents letters in various languages to enlighten about the project. The emergency Islands offer not only places of refuge for children, but have also a preventive function”, as Jurgen Tina e, first Chairman of the Wolfsburg basketball. We want to use it as a sign of moral courage and civil engagement in the protection of children”, performs ebb corner. The Stiftung Hansel + Gretel has 2002 launched the project. In collaboration with regional partners nationwide already over 180 cities, towns and counties have implemented the action. Contact us about the basketball Wolfsburg helmstedt interested businesses, public institutions, schools and kindergartens have the possibility to contact either by phone directly with the basketball in contact (05361 / 8916143 and 0177-2493640) or by E-Mail). German child protection Association, local Wolfsburg Association The German Child Welfare Association Wolfsburg e.V. is a non-profit association, politically and religiously independent. He is a member of the joint Welfare Association. In 1957, it was founded by citizens of the city and is one of the oldest clubs. The work also extends to the District of helmstedt. Including advice and crisis intervention, collaboration in the playground Commission, working with nurseries and schools, project-related prevention work, information about children’s rights in accordance with UN children’s rights Convention and offer parents training includes the work of non-violent education. More information is available on the Internet at.


Infernum Day

Establishment of environmental sciences, professional association e.V. For companies in Germany, sustainability is increasingly becoming the theme: many companies want to achieve a holistic, environmentally-oriented alignment of their value chain. The Fraunhofer Academy offers in cooperation with the Institute for environmental, safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT and the FernUniversitat in Hagen the in-service master studies infernum (interdisciplinary correspondence course in environmental sciences) indicating that training specialists and managers to become experts in this field. Since 2007, at the regularly scheduled infernum day presents latest results of the programme, discusses current issues, and awarded outstanding academic achievements. For this year’s meeting on May 12 in Berlin the social consequences of the energy revolution in the foreground were.

The event at the official launch of the professional Environmental Sciences Association found a special degree The in-service interdisciplinary correspondence course in environmental sciences infernum aimed at Workers in business, associations, science and management, independent and qualified newcomers and newcomers in the environmental field. It gives the participating current specialized knowledge in various areas, such as the energy and environmental engineering, and in the fields of climate, mobility and technology impact research. Focus of infernum programme is the provision of cross-discipline thinking and action, which enables the integration of ecological, economic and social aspects of sustainability, explains Dr. Roman gods, Director of the Fraunhofer Academy. Discussion and prize giving ceremony for the best infernum graduates on the regularly scheduled day of infernum gathered research, science, management, and industry to the fourth year students, graduates and graduates and lecturers of infernum programme as well as experts and experts from, to discuss current issues and prospects of environmental sciences. In the Center stood the challenges and social Consequences of the energy turnaround. So Prof. Franz Josef Radermacher, Member of the Club of Rome, encouraged, to reconsider the concept of prosperity and to promote global justice.


With Telepresence Communication Channels Within The Company Improve

A further development in the video industry of communication, which aims to emerge with the help of latest technology and high-quality end – and transmission devices a communication, which is a direct Conference in anything called telepresence systems for small and medium-sized enterprises Telepresence. Disadvantages, which offered a videoconference over a direct Conference, thus largely belong to the past and internal corporate communication can be shifted where necessary, almost completely of direct communication on the video communication. Trouble-free communication through excellent transmission and an exceptionally high rate of transmission devices and terminals of the high-end segment communicate without delay and errors that could interrupt the course of the Conference. Through these innovations of telepresence becomes also with video-conferencing a communication possible in all interlocutors respond directly and on the content of the Focus conversation instead of the outer form. Pleasant communication thanks to the illusion of the natural Telepresence ensures a synchronous playback of audio and video track.

Screens are arranged in an integrated system to allow a natural viewpoint to the interlocutor. Speaker in turn reflect the voices of the participants in congruence to the screen on which they are presented. So, communication with Telepresence is not only trouble-free, but mediated by a harmonious conception, which tried the reality to imitate, a pleasant situation. Sub text-based communications due high image and sound quality HD resolution images and the natural registers make a high sound quality and every little physical and facial movement sub text-related means of communication such as facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice, which make up a large part of a communication in the professional context, to perceive realize what makes it easier for the interlocutor and to automatically use in conversation. Interactive communication with the help of application and device integration depending on the needs of the company integrated Telepresence more devices such as projection screens and applications like white-board programs, so that the video conference together on a project can be worked in. These functions are switched to can be changed at any time in conjunction with the provider of its own telepresence system and adjusted so that the video conferencing standard always currently required of the company. Easy communication on the basis of standards-based systems that are systems used for Telepresence standard is based.

So, the individual user is confronted with symbols, terms and procedures that are familiar to him from his workday. Accordingly, there are no long training periods or even exact studying of manuals. The applicability of simple high priority is assigned to generally, what is expressed among other things in a compressed operating panel within the Conference tables, with the user the Video conference fine can adjust. The basic settings are preset, so that you can start the video conference with a push of a button. With these funds, helps Telepresence video-conferencing to the suitability for everyday business and offers the possibility of real and realistic communication in short and simple ways.


Disordered Occupation

Jacarepagu occupation: Positive and negative impacts Certainly, Jacarepagu, the Region of the Lowered one of Jacarepagu is a region where we can observe a classic example of disordered occupation involving society, historical time, governments and environment. The Region of the Lowered one of Jacarepagu, although to possess historical elements, dated of the time of the Brazil-Colony, it only tried a more significant occupation and ambient impacts (ambient impacts remember, can in such a way be positive how much negative) from the decade of 60 of the passed century, therefore, until the World War II, the population of the city of Rio De Janeiro was very intent in the central region of the city, later, the most supplied had been for Copacabana and, also, it occupied if the Leopoldina and Zona North. However, in the decade of 60, had to the swell of the inhabited places more of the city of Rio De Janeiro, it more had a demographic explosion in the areas moved away from the center, as Lowered Fluminense and Jacarepagu, quarter this that until then, possua a population whose routine was very on the buclica tranquillity of some villages, farms and the well preserved environment. We observe that, with the construction of the stretch of the BR-101 River-Bahia (in the decade of 40), it was more easy for the migrante northeastern and person from de state of espirito santo to come ' to try sorte' in then capital federal, where it had the great increment of industries and great public works, fact that lasted until the Military Regimen (which ' construiu' the Bar of the Tijuca, Subway, ' Piranho' , etc), without speaking of the verticalizao in Copacabana. With this, the sector of the civil construction needed each time more man power, attracting each time more northeasterns and migrantes of other parts of the country. In this context, Jacarepagu started to be the new area of industrial expansion of Rio De Janeiro, since the central region was saturated, thus, industrials if they had installed today in the region more intent throughout the Road of the Bandeirantes.