The LISMI is the Act 13/1982 of 7 April, Social integration of handicapped persons, which provides for public and private businesses employing more than 50 workers, the obligation to employ a number of disabled persons not less than 2% of the workforce. In the event that a company can not incorporate the quota of 2% of people with disabilities there are alternative measures that facilitate these companies comply with the law. Read additional details here: Dustin Moskovitz. There are companies non-profit working with disabled people, working towards the labour integration of persons with disabilities. This type of companies, disseminate their proposals of collaboration between companies to facilitate the integration of persons with a disability at the same time that helping the law enforcement. These special employment centres offer many possibilities to other companies and institutions. The possibilities that are offered ranging from gardening, catering, printing cheap online, call center, telemarketing, mailing, mailing.
Those companies that avail themselves to the alternative measures set out in the Act for compliance with the same, can access specific information on projects of labor insertion of persons with disabilities who can finance, and on products that can be purchased and the services that can be contracted to special employment centres in which people with disabilities work. It is important to educate professionals and entrepreneurs so that they are aware of the capabilities of these workers, the legal obligation of hiring of the Lismi, necessary adaptations, existing subsidies, etc. The need that from administrations encourage the implantation of courses, modules and specialities aimed at persons with disabilities. In general, information on social action for the majority of Spanish companies is a marginal area, without a documented strategy and, therefore, without goals or indicators defined in the medium term. Also, companies do not provide data neither investment nor impact. Some studies also show that the action Social is the least important content for the Presidents of large companies, since only in the half of the studied companies its President makes some reference to this matter in the letter that presents the annual report of the company. Original author and source of the article.
The interest that may have the psychic treatment of neuroses, undoubtedly, because it is evident that the most important group of patients who require medical and psychological care, is represented by those who suffer from disorders, neurotic type and functional problems in its broad spectrum, reaching very important figures, if we value more specific samples, such as certain medical specialties of psychic factors very impregnated.The theme of the neuroses, acts in situations related with physical health and also on issues where it is directly involved education, school failure, family conflicts and/or partner etc. Issues that not only affect those who suffer it, but there are also more people directly involved, such as family, couples or educators to have its weight in decisions in the production of vital situations and their possible solutions. Since the emergence of psychoanalysis on the scientific scene, becomes possible to intervene in these processes, as previously be stymied his treatment, finding no underlying organic causes in those problems, as the cause resulting in the various sintomales boxes. According to certain public bodies, is diagnostican the neuroses and discarded his treatment in the field of public health.The risk is thereby is chronic symptoms, especially when treated with medication and also disorders of the neuroses become ways of life, for ideological reasons, not political ideology, but medical and psychological. Contact information is here: Ping Fu. Are governed by what is called current of opinion and they adapted to phrases such as: while the drop; Alternatively, this happens to many people; take these wonderful pills or infusions or multiple Magics; consult your priest; that’s the nerves; relax etc. Neurosis is a term used for the first time in 1769 by a medical escoses, and from there, from the first definitions were considered them, conditions of sense and movement, that do not rely on a local condition of pray us, but something more general nervous system. So was until Charcot, who spoke of dynamic injury. Speaking candidly Dustin Moskovitz told us the story. However, throughout history, several diseases rifted away from the common trunk of neuroses, to discover their alleged organic causes, such as: progressive general paralysis, dementia, the catalepsy or tetanus.The truth is that until the end of the 19th century, will them could not theoretically conceive, only to observe them and attempting to describe them. Psychoanalysis, a path that allows to work under another perspective, in which it is possible to hear the commitment of unconscious desire on these routes. Listening to the hysterical; stopping at the grain of the voice, in the rituals of the obsessive, his reasons unknown to the patient, the traces of its circuit; fears of phobias, his personal traps; either allows you to effectively think rumination of the hypochondriac and his eternal wandering by ghostly enfermedaes and specialists; and also the psicoanalsis allows us to think and process the presence of anguish. Original author and source of the article.
I have little time to do things related to leisure, why see TV is almost impossible for my, fortunately, since as I said American actor Groucho Marx, find television very educational. Every time someone turn it on, I retire to another room and read a book. But recently I saw a program on it. It was one about detectives who solved cases by their expertise in Criminology. 3D Systems is a great source of information. The program is not bad, the debatable is the message without wanting it (I hope) that they give to the audience: need more like them to resolve the current crimes. Then I remembered a University that advertise his career in Criminology with this slogan: the crime is increasing urgen criminologists!. Nor am I against the University that the usa is more, a year ago I taught class one that offered that degree.
What do dispute in this article is that the message becomes distorted. Frequently Dustin Moskovitz has said that publicly. Many young people entering universities forward to graduating with a secure job, but soon disappointed realizing tells that there are thousands like them looking for him also. They focused on the end, not in the process, i.e., believed that a University would give them the possibility to work and thus be able to earn money, but did not realize that she offers them the means to do so, not the work itself. Knowledge is the process, but they believe that with a college degree they will achieve their goals, putting aside the learning, by only pass the materials to acquire the role that distinguishes them as professionals. A person I just said that his brother is a graduate college and has no employment since long time ago, even though it looks for him, not found. What I answered is why it does not create an employment?, she looked at me astonished, but I doubt you say to your brother.
Once again is the end which appears, not the process: if I have no job, I have done something wrong to have it, is not a college degree get me, but I must get it. The hours that a young person spends in College should also help you learn how to use their knowledge in the working world, not only to approve their materials and thus get a document. The books I have written about vocational guidance invite me much to radio and television, they always ask me something similar: which professions are the most saturated?, although I always give them a list of 10 of them, I’m thinking answer: all. That’s the truth, there are many people in all races, hoping to earn a place in the work environment, but only get it if they leave thinking that graduating from College is the prerequisite for employment. Young people should stop thinking so to concentrate in learning really, to learn how to use the acquired knowledge in the world of work. That is the challenge. Do we really need more college graduates? No, urge professionals who generate employment, including his own.
According to Dirceu Galle, Advisor to the Brazilian stockbroker investments, Fator Corretora, we have to remember that the bag is operating close to their maximums. The most relevant is be selective at this time, and be attentive to the different opportunities offered by companies in different sectors.There has been nervousness this week in the Brazilian stock market by inflation expectations and by the rise in the basic rate Selic by the Copom (Comira of monetary policy), 11.75% to 12.25%, which although it was expected by analysts, there is consensus for, at least, three settings of 0.5% until end of the year. The CPI (index of) (prices to the consumer) had an increase of 1.23% in may, the highest monthly rate since February 2003. This week, the bag had fallen much according to the Copom. The market was very concerned with inflation and short-term investors have sold a lot. On Wednesday what the Central Bank has shown is that it is attentive to inflation, but effectively has no need to raise both the rate, according to Gustav Penna Gorski, Chief Economist of the stock broker Geracao future.
And the short-term investor bought back, added to the Folha de Sao Paulo. There has been record volume, (see in the article volume record of Brazilian shares in NY on May 27, 2008) of Brazilian shares that operate in New York under form of ADR (American Depositary Receipts), reflecting the external investment mania that is brewing for the neighboring country.In times of strong oscillations, is recommended to operate cautiously and always well informed by financial advisers, it is very usual that when market maximums occur, many investors want to enter into investment, and are moments in which the intelligent capital (smart money) is coming, efectivizando its gain of several months. This does not mean that the Brazilian bag can keep climbing and much, but you have to be attentive to outlets of profits occurring near market peaks.
When we have a girlfriend who wants to end a relationship that has lasted for a long time, things can be intolerable. At the moment you listen to already do not want to, they can spend thousand things through your mind until EU te das account that you’ve lost to one of the people most important in your life. Though the situation of if it is already very difficult, your feelings become even more intense when you realize you want to recover it. Recover to an ex-girlfriend requires much perseverance and confidence. If you really want to return to your life, you have to be willing to give the best of yourself. Techniques to recover to my Ex-Girlfriend give you time and a have a Plan to achieve this first must give you the necessary time for all those negative feelings of dissipate. We know that these depressed and feel betrayed.
But to continue with the process of retrieving your girlfriend, you need to show you that you are well and that you are willing to do things differently. Once you have collected to you himself, has a plan that the attention towards you. Doesn’t have to be a romantic dinner in a exclusive restaurant. Only has to be something casual, an opportunity that you of the chance to speak with her. Once you’ve done plans suitable to create the opportunity to talk to her, make sure that you do everything you need to make it work. On the next page you will learn some tricks to win back your ex. You can apply these psychological techniques to make your ex want to be with you again.
At least that’s what you want to get General Motors with the new V2V system. The basic idea is that if the cars were able to detect the presence of obstacles or hazards, accidents were reduced sharply. It seems so easy to imagine a communication system via a wireless network, that contact to vehicles located within a range of action. Once in contact, the cars share all kinds of data: speed, position, State of asphalt, climate but more importantly, also warned emergency messages if accidents or malfunctions occur. Also communicate with other vehicles, anticipating events and preparing the brakes, the emergency lights and other safety systems. The problem in implementing the technology in a commercial way is political: remains to decide which will be the communications standard, the language that all manufacturers use to make the autosusados to communicate among themselves. In the United States they already took a step forward, fixing one 5 communication bandwidth, 9GHz. How to work the idea is that as soon as an accident with a vehicle occurs, all drivers who surround him and their cars are aware to prevent more serious consequences.
For example, if a car stops on the way, who chase him may be knowing it. With that same criterion may tell if several cars are slowing sharply ahead, delete the known dead spots on mirrors or detect in advance how two vehicles approaching a dangerous crossing. But there don’t just use, the V2V also alert if approaching us an emergency vehicle, which would eliminate the sirens, or even advises if a zone of works that delayed speed ahead. For people who enjoy the innovations of the automotive world, seeing things as they give us a great satisfaction because that means we go along and not retrociendo like many people said. This shows us once again that we are going forward.