For the German population, increases the risk of being poor in the age, warns Herbert Rische as President of the German pension insurance. He is responsible for the relatively high unemployment and low wages. With this fear, he is not alone. Recognized experts such as the Economist Bernd Raffelhuschen plead for a supplement of the PAYG pension system by a capital-based pension. And the financial specialist and author Bernd W. Klockner calls to boycott of the intergenerational pact “and calls for more individual initiative and personal responsibility. It is true that longer periods of unemployment or the cover of low income can lead to a significant reduction in the pension. If someone about a year long refers to Hartz IV, his subsequent monthly pension just to two euros increases”, Michael Emmel explains as managing directors of Atlanticlux Lebensversicherung S.A.
(Atlanticlux). The Atlanticlux is the insurance company in the Companies of Munich FWU AG, an innovative product designer in the financial services sector. We think unit-linked life and annuity insurance therefore remains very interesting products, private to provide – especially if they are conceptually aligned on the pensions. In addition, the Fund policy for people who want to achieve much at a manageable cost or even must, an ideal alternative is”, so the Atlanticlux Board of Directors. According to Wikipedia, there are capital-forming unit-linked life – and pension insurance life insurance, where the entire claim or at least a substantial part directly on the performance of certain contractually agreed financial instruments, mostly funds, or other indices is bound.
As a result the insurer assumes no obligation to provide this service in an absolutely certain height.” In contrast to the classical life insurers, now in consequence of the financial market crisis hardly more equity holdings in their capital stock keep, the insurer when a unit-linked life or pension insurance so but also have the chance, specifically in his investment strategies to put value developments on the stock markets. This makes the Fund policy return stronger than the classic life or pension insurance”, so the opinion of Atlanticlux or the FWU AG. Regardless of the professionals of Atlanticlux and FWU AG implemented several backup devices in the developed policies of the Fund. So there is an investment strategy with a guaranteed interest rate of 1.5 percent, other investment strategies provide the capital or profit back to the end of the term. Once a certain level of investment reached, can the value of the strategy then only increase, but no longer decline. The customer thus has the opportunity to participate in continue growth, must no longer fear to the value of the contributions that flow in the investment strategy. Also the customer has the possibility, his savings goal against unemployment, secure employment and disability”, confirmed Atlanticlux – Board of Directors Edward. The FWU AG thus positions itself in a difficult market environment with an attractive retirement planning module, which takes into account many locking elements. The possibility for the Fund policies designed by the FWU add to choose this is meaningful and meets the need of the insured for individuality. For more information, also see