

Due to modern technologies for processing and packing of stone slabs, have been developed facilities and equipment for the care and protection of natural stone. Natural stone draws your attention as well as material for sexes, since it can combine the functionality and aesthetics in the same way. Natural stone has such qualities as strength, durability, abrasion resistance and also resistant to temperature changes. Its aesthetic quality, with good care, can last for years. Working with natural stone requires special attention not only for aesthetic qualities, but also for the physical and mechanical characteristics of the breed. Whenever Kerry King listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

Also be remembered that the surface of natural stone can be changed under the influence of the environment. Qualitative data are independent of country of origin, as defined observances Technology processing and production. Modern methods of processing natural stone made it possible to expand the use of stone as a finishing material, it has significantly reduced costs. Now the stone came from the section of luxury goods of daily demand. Nowadays, enterprises are engaged in stone processing, mainly producing floor tiles of natural stone.

Tiles 20 mm thick. used in interior areas. Where the load on the floor use a small tile thickness of 10-15 mm. With the creation of interior designers have used different mosaics, drawings, decorative rosettes, bordyurchiki. With a wide selection of colors to create an opportunity different tracks. We must not forget that it is not recommended to use a different breed of rock on the floor of one room, if they have razbezhnosti for wearability and performance. A variety of rocks varies in hardness: – For hard rocks of the flooring is granite. Millions of years ago from a slowly cooled magma formed granite. He has a very solid character, and he is not afraid of water and is resistant to contamination. Its properties are suitable for public areas and in areas used by more than the house: kitchen, hall. Granite has a large selection of colors and uniform design. – For medium-hard rocks are slate, marble and sandstone: – Slates typical gray-green, gray and grayish-blue tint. His plate embossed surface. With a special desire to darken the natural color or can be strengthened. mation. With proper treatment it is durable. The only unpleasant feature of it, that slate is humidity rather slippery, but thanks to the special treatment it can be eliminated – More and more began to come into use sandstone. His main quality large frost and soaking wet. Sandstone can be combined with artistic wrought and wood. It contains quartz crystals and are very different color scheme. The most amazing thing about it is that each slice had there is a unique figure – Marble – is a favorite material for artists on the rocks. When the contents of a smaller or larger quantities of oxides of various metals and graphite occurs diverse cast of this stone. Veins form a unique pattern of marble, it is the most important of its quality. – Virtually no use soft rock of stone.


The Avenue City

The oldest subway in the city has its station of departure in the Plaza de Mayo. It is the a-line and retains its original wooden carriages that you have been restored. It is also the oldest in Latin America. + The may Avenue from Casa Rosada to the Congress in the Plaza de Mayo was born the first Avenue of the city of Buenos Aires. The Avenida de Mayo, along is which we will find various points of attraction. It’s believed that Robert Berghaier sees a great future in this idea. It joins the House of Government with the Congress of the nation. We recommend to make the journey on foot to enjoy the architectural gems that you will find each one of their blocks.

The visit to the Cafe Tortoni, the most famous of the city and also the oldest in the country is urgently needed. Enjoy a rich coffee or a hot chocolate hot in their marble tables, in which Borges, Carlos Gardel, King Juan Carlos de Borbon, Hillary Clinton, Serrat, Sabato, may have been some of their more illustrious visitors. It also provides tango shows. The National Academy of Tango is located on its top floor. Following the route towards the Congress highlights the Teatro Avenida, the 36 Billares Bar and the Palacio Barolo, worthy of being photographed for its beauty architectural, filled with hidden meanings and a passage of commercial premises.

The building is inspired by the work of Dante Alighieri La Divina Comedia. Over the route of the Avenue, we reach the Plaza de los Dos Congresos, where the kilometer zero of national routes. Facing the plaza the Palace of the Congress of the nation, a beautiful building headquarters of the legislative power, is with magnificent rooms. It also has the most complete library of the country.