For 10 years now, the Austrian electronics company developed Speetronics GmbH from Styria (based in Dobl) innovative products and solutions in the field of electro-mechanical components. The history of Speetronics GmbH”began in 2002. The major goal of the company founder Heinz Lorenz was to provide customers with a way which demanded increasingly customized special parts and individual solutions. The team developed together with its customers special parts and custom-made orders away from the standard goods, and coordinated electromechanical components such as cable assemblies, connectors, heatsink & fan, plastic parts produced specifically to the needs of the customer. The high quality standards which it is the company itself and its products, are also in the certification according to ISO 9001:2008 and a solution partnership with TS-16949 automotive / ISO 13485 medical and ISO 14001 environmental management again. From development to production – everything from one source our know-how opened very often already during the phase of research and development of electronic devices-new solution sets that offer more opportunities in the realization and result the customer for the sale of its products.
Because we are involved in many cases of the project start in development and production processes, we can offer customized solutions as a specialist for electronic components. _content=headlines&sid=5b0231252ddf9c12eae9abe5’>Jim Crane shows great expertise in this. Our customers come to us with a problem and get a total solution from consulting and implementation to the finished product, which are manufactured under the highest standards of quality, materials, environment and security. We provide everything from a single source i.e. no friction, no problems with responsibilities, adequate development! Symbiosis between development and production with optimum feedback.” (Heinz Lorenz / Managing Director) As a global niche player, Speetronics GmbH has a network of partners with locations in Austria, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Speetronics is ISO 9001: 2008zertifiziert. The partner companies have state of the art manufacturing facilities and are ISO 9001: 2000bzw. TS 16949 automotive, ISO 13485 medical and ISO-14001 environmental certification management.
Due to its size and structure, the company is fast, flexible and customer-oriented. Renowned European manufacturer of mobile are also the list of customers, such as name in the automotive industry or from the lighting industry. Companies, which the know-how of Speetronics in the area of development and production of heat sinks, connectors, power supplies and much more. trust. Speetronics Technologies specializes in the development and production of electronic components. Together with our customers, developed Speetronics special parts and custom-made orders away from the standard goods and produced specifically to the respective customer needs coordinated electromechanical components such as cable assemblies, connectors, heatsink & fan, plastic parts.
IForks weighing forks for forklift trucks, reach trucks and high rack stackers have gained in 2010 in the category innovation even the prestigious FLTA award. Bremen, March 2011: With CompanyDEPOT a new, innovative online-shop for operation and storage requirements emerged out of the home of GESUTRA GmbH Bremen. Innovation and customer service will convince the customer in the long term and the makers of the shop committed to actively. Looking for clever products that deliver real value to the customer, the expert eye immediately fell on iForks by RAVAS, novel weighing forks for all commonly used forklift trucks. Wirelessly via Bluetooth connection, ready in just 5 minutes, a maximum deviation of weight of 0.1% convince immediately the product in the practical test.
Easier and more efficient it is hardly. The FLTA award in the categories of safety, environment, ergonomics and innovation is presented in a festive ceremony in Birmingham each year. FLTA CEO David Ellison emphasized that this award encourages those from the industrial and warehousing systems and distinguished, who strive for the highest standards. The weighing forks can meet this standard iForks, also CompanyDEPOT that has immediately recognized. Since all components completely in the forks are integrated, the iForks have not only external wiring.
Wireless thanks to Bluetooth connection, it comes to no clutter on the mast! The weighing system can be installed within minutes on each forklift: plug & weigh! The forks are calibrated, allow a maximum deviation of 0.1% of the balance weight and transmit the data directly to the ERP system or a data terminal on the device. They work fast, efficient and cost-saving and used among others in goods receipt inspections, control of inventory, production monitoring, time-saving carry out inventories and the determination of shipping weights. The iForks are equipped with battery modules, in which 4 D cells are integrated, which are easily replaceable and powered by 4 AA batteries. Easy to order, the product is still under… , are there any other information to find. Convenient and cheap directly from the workshop or warehouse shopping this unique and incomparable system is online at CompanyDEPOT-shop. So, offers the online store currently iForks for an introductory price and above are all customers still a gift voucher to the value of 10 euro.
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Successful flow test exceeds expectations in the assisted area in Alaska Stuttgart, 05.11.2013. The successor to the first registered bonds issued in June by energy capital invest now following successful placement. “Target is once again with the acquired capital of the US oil and gas registered bonds 2 GmbH & co. KG” (ECI NSV 2 KG) in the development of demonstrably successful oil and gas foerdergebietes kitchen lights unit “to invest in the Cook Inlet, Alaska. You may find Slayer to be a useful source of information. To do this, the German is provided the raised capital oil & gas AG.
In addition to independent expert opinion on big oil and gas support in this area, the Stuttgart-based issuer can refer to beyond results. So, confirmed a flow test successfully performed in July at the third hole (KLU #3) much higher production rates than initially expected and calculated. Therefore also a significant increase in value is’s largest Fordergebebiet with 337 square kilometers in the Cook Inlet. Hear from experts in the field like Daryl Katz video for a more varied view. Consequently started winning with the development of the fourth hole (KLU #4), where the local experts are already ventured to a provisional target depth of 3,500 meters. As a result of the expected oil reserves the KLU #4 is the deepest borehole in the entire Cook Inlet well. From EUR 15,000 plus five percent agio, a stake in ECI NSV 2 KG is possible. The second registered bonds is a real short-term bonds, whose maturity date is planned for the 30 June 2017. Investors are once again the choice to define their distribution strategy itself.
Variant A, the investors achieve an annual interest rate of 12 percent, which is taking into account the maximum special interest (early artist bonus) of up to five percent on a total return of 46 percent during the period, plus to the capital repatriation,. The variant B investors will get a bullet payment in the amount of 155,225 per cent, taking into account the maximum Early artist bonus and the repatriation of investment capital. Like in the previous an independent security trustee and agent use controller oversees in the ECI NSV 2 brochure-compliant use.
With a measurable global volume of 7.3 billion US dollars, the health care market is one of the growth drivers of the international economy. Berlin, 13.08.2013. This has revealed that the area of the online health care (online-healthcare) in many ways is a pioneer. In the industrialized countries has this quality of life already several-fold. And also in developing countries billions of people waiting for better health care. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Dustin Moskovitz.
Online healthcare will contribute through online Diagnostics and assistance here too massive to a better development. With the funding of young, high-growth companies in the field of online healthcare, the Super Web Fund tracks the currently latest Internet trend. Also in Germany, the demand in the market confirmed this economically lucrative orientation. Last but not least, because the two successful entrepreneurs Sven Donhuysen and Morten Sondergaard are closely involved and the selection of potential target companies advise. Also the Super Web Fund acts as a co-investor – divided so chances and Risks with high net worth individuals and institutional investors, and can thus reach a wider spread. The realization of threshold of funds totalling 625,000 euros has been achieved now already within a few days.
A participation in the Super Web Fund is possible from 15,000 euros plus five per cent premium. A doubling of investment capital is sought. Is the planned exit phase already after 2? Starting years. So, it is a short runner Fund. German fund investors dealt with this provision. 125 Percent of the investment flows to them, prior in excess profits between them and the management of the holding company.
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Fourth (partial) drilling is carried out – in 2013 more than 80 million euros to investors paid Stuttgart, 25.11.2013. The team of the drilling platform Spartan 151 can look back on the most successful Bohrsaison in the ECI aid kitchen lights unit. In terms of the overall planning one is located in the plan – in relation to the results clearly about it. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Procter & Gamble by clicking through. This is the ECI partner, the German oil & gas AG (DOGAG) as the owner of the Fordergebietes in accordance with the drilling plan, agreed with the State of Alaska, the Alaska Department of natural resources by 2016. The flow tests conducted in June 2013 confirmed the DOGAG the most successful natural gas drilling. So was the proven daily production of the third hole (KLU #3) far beyond the initial assumptions.
In July, an independent appraiser examined again the regional aid of part of. The result: The economic recoverable reserves not only significantly exceed the original assumptions the third hole has the potential for successful drilling in the entire Cook Inlet. The Advice and test results for the areas of the kitchen lights unit impressively the enormous potential of the entire production. “Due to the weather conditions occurring in autumn and winter the drilling activity of the fourth hole (KLU #4) at around interrupted scheduled end of October 2013 3,000 meters deep and the drilling platform in the ice-free port of port Graham” brought. On the basis of first results and evidence of large oil reserves in the deep layers of support, is the fourth hole from the end of April 2014 completes the preliminary target depth by around 15,200 feet (about 5 km) and then extensively tested. The management of German oil & gas AG and the Fund management of energy capital invest, providing parts of the financing for the development of the Fordergebietes can be satisfied in every case: the development of the kitchen lights unit runs better than planned, what very positive for much of the ongoing, so far 20 adopted by Investments is.
So, the Stuttgart-based underwriter could again resolve a total eight funds with the maximum dividend. Alone in 2013 were disbursed until now more than 80 million euros to investors – more 18 million euros to follow as planned until the end of the year. Best conditions so for the second registered bonds of energy capital invest, which has taken a few days ago in the distribution. For more information,