

It thought that this disorderly era and did not help alumno/a, because they created imbalances and disorder in los/as nios/as. It did not give importance either to the corporal languages and not-verbals generally (music, drawing, etc.) it did not believe in the activities nonorganized. In contrast, the brothers You do, defend in its educative model: – A special attention to the familiar and social atmosphere of the boy. – A relation between the relative and the educative thing. – To give los/as alumnos/as great doses of freedom. – To favor the spontaneity and creativity of los/as alumno/as. And all this through game, as a good form of education.

It is at this moment when it is begun to use the game like an instrument or educative means. In order to understand the importance that has the game in the education, it is essential that we analyze the present forms of diversion. Los/as nios/as plays at the moment, most of the times, with videojuegos or sports of competition for professionals, who do not show to the values nor the techniques that need to know how to solve their problems when they are majors. The electronic conflicts among them and their games do not require any type of communication. The game always is right and el/la nio/a has the resource to end the conflict tightening the button to initiate a new game. Often to learn manipulativas ruses to avoid to happen through those difficulties, they assimilate and them like an ability. Los/as nios/as needs to learn you rule much more of communication productive, more realistic and more effective to get to be adult happy. The conflicts between compaeros/as are of person to person, not of person to machine. The majority of the times the important thing of a conflict between two people is not if reason is had or no; the form in that we discussed is more excellent what who is in the certain one or who is equivocado/a.