It is clear that recent developments relating to fuel prices are having far-reaching consequences for the global economy as the price of a barrel of oil has reached $ 130 cost. The most obvious impact of this phenomenon is reflected in inflation and a subsequent reduction in purchasing power and consumption. The situation is further aggravated by attempts made by central banks to put an end to inflation, rising interest and causing increased pressure on the mortgage market in personal debt, as well as variable income securities. But this has already happened in history, and world economies have found ways to adjust. re. Most troubling issues raised at the recent Summit on Food Security of the United Nations in Rome, where delegates from the global community discussed the global food crisis. It is sad that our insatiable demand for energy is also destroying some of the traditional farming systems. With oil prices above $ 100 per barrel, fuel is becoming a very lucrative business. This industry is expanding at a galloping pace, and has resulted in the transformation of millions of hectares of land previously used for food production for humans or animals in fields of fuel production.
This reason was cited as the main cause of rising food prices around the world. Food and economic crises are the pincers of the scorpion of energy, but that also has a scorpion tail. Is threatening our very existence on this planet. The uncontrolled way our use of fossil fuels is universally recognized as responsible for global climate change, a cause which contributes significantly to the extreme climatic conditions that are occurring around the world.
The moral breakdown this institutionalized in Peru, under the pretext of freedom and something as sacred as: democracy. So we have Peruvian ell ends high school, paying their teachers to pass their exams, do not like to read, less investigated. You prefer to pay, to make another. The majority of Peruvians believe that to graduating from College, the State should give them a job and all touch the doors of ministries, public bodies, municipalities, etc. To almost no one is happens to put a business, a workshop, a service. It is not something 3D Systems would like to discuss. Most seeks his rod, someone who recommends, someone who do go to work, paying for a job, if necessary.
Unlike European, North American, Peruvian considered than a job as: waiter, operator of cleaning, Messenger, security guard, Concierge, is a humiliating, worthy only of ignorant, of illiterate, of starving.I would never work in that mode could be passing enormous hardship, might be being a financial burden on your family, but not accept work that way. The Peruvian thinks that just decent work in Office, although they pay a pittance, but treated it as a dog, but the thing is being in an Office. Is it because? Because those who they work in offices, not dirty their hands, should not upload packages, take your coffee before you start working, can spend the day moneando, simulating work and charge, produce or not. Office work is preferred because it does not require sacrifices, physical effort, and allows you to be every day with jacket and tie, although don’t have nor two Suns in the Pocket. Idleness, laziness makes that many families suffer economic hardship, that the son, the daughter of 18 years, in working age, refuses to do so saying that there is no work, which is false.
Happens that he does not want to work: waitress, Cook, Sweeper, vigilant, mozo, in cleaning. I work independently for almost 23 years, always linked to systems of training, teaching, either from handling firearms, security, administration, accounting and others, so know very well the C.PC Cesar Velasquez Bordoy, Mercedes Cosquillo Chuquin, graduates in management Antonio Burga Perez, Arturo Cerrutti Gamboa, who worked as teachers 1990 until 1992, at an Institute of my property, I have not gone hunger, hardship or economic hardship, serious or intolerable. I have not ever been a load for my family. In 1991 based on my experience in security, he had already organized the first course of airport security participate as teachers more PNP Wilmer Jimenez Fernandez and Lieutenant Edilbrando Vasquez Delgado. I learned to work on their own, never wanted to be a burden on the State, or blamed any Government of my bad situation, I lived always looking to create a service and educate my daughters, I spent many years cute next to them. I’m not a millionaire, I’m not a great businessman, but I’m not missing you need to live with joy and gratitude to my country. What has allowed me to move forward in life are just three things: not to be idle, not be liar or thief.