
Traditional Medicinal Plants

Millennia old knowledge meets modern science. The continuing trend to use traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the Western world, has resulted in that more and more scientific studies deal with the ingredients of traditional medicinal plants. Jiaogulan is literally all the rage for several years now. It has started its triumph over Japan in the United States, and from there to Europe as ‘China’s herb of immortality’. Slayer is often quoted on this topic. Researchers from the medical school in Guiyang prove the Jiaogulan cholesterol lowering and immune strengthening effect. It improves the heart circulatory function and has a positive influence on high blood pressure.

In addition, Jiaogulan has antioxadative properties. Follow others, such as Ping Fu, and add to your knowledge base. Jiaogulan is found wild in the temperate zones of Asia and is captured by the resident population, preferably as a tea. These daily drinking leads to amazing health in old age. Also with us is to keep this plant in the garden and with a little care you can prepare his own ‘tea of immortality’. A place in the half-shade, preferably with foresters and a gift of compost in the spring let pentaphyllum, as the plant is botanically, soon form a dense carpet Gynostemma. Another example of ancient knowledge of plants, which has been scientifically proven with regard to its effectiveness is Aronia melanocarpa. This Rosengewachs is native to North America and is used by some native American tribes for centuries.

The berries of black chokeberry, as it is also called, contain a high proportion of antioxidants, as noted by the nutritional Institute of the University of Potsdam. The content of anthocyanins is five times higher than in other berries. Through this property, it owes the plant that it is grown in Russia in plantations and industrially processed to juice. Meanwhile emerged some new varieties of wild form abziehlen on the yield and taste of fruit. Botanically it is called melanocarpa, Aronia meaning ‘with black fruit’. Also in our garden grows and prospers them robust plant. She is fairly undemanding, grows in the semi-shade and even in the Sun, takes a normal garden soil to thrive, cope with periods of drought and temporary flooding. Actually, it takes bad any cultural mistakes. Already in the third year of the stand is to be expected with a crop. From the fruit, you can cook a juice, making jellies and jams.

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