
TICs In The Education

TICS IN the EDUCATION Currently the world Lives in transformation Is constant the Decurrent changes of the action That the man has to create To innovate and to invent Generating revolution. Today everything is Internet This world-wide net That facilitates the life For the good and the evil What people to need Are alone to go there and to never clicar I vi equal thing. Also I cannot forget Another great innovation That facilitates to trips This illustrious invention Santos Dumont who created the man alone innovated I speaks of the airplane. To say of the technologies Citing all, impossible I do not go here to extend itself does not have available time Are innumerable Pr instruments to follow such inventos Is necessary to be flexible. Nobody today wants to live Without the technologies To write letter by hand As before it became Ordered the post office to lead to arrive in a place Were more than fifteen days. Everything today is very practical With technological resources Almost nobody walks to the foot All has its motions Without speaking in the cellular one That it started to even function in great businesses. More information is housed here: Dustin Moskovitz.

Therefore educator does not have to be motionless To follow the change Without being a mentally ill one Is necessary to study to be able to teach In the informatizado world. What I want in the truth Is to call the attention In the direction change For the education the world is not stopped the young is on In this globalization. Pr this we have aid Of formation courses That help in to see them the education in new vision That they go to subsidize to be able to integrate the TICs in the Education. (Appeared Maria of Sousa Cardoso) They are Joo of the River of the Fish, 06 of August of 2011.

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