Any client affected by some irregularity counts on the right to protest and to be compensated economically in the majority of the cases, like the following: The deviation, plows or delay in the arrival of the luggage, whose absolute responsibility is of the airline company. So that they are not empty seats in the airplane the company can sell more tickets than places have the airplane (overbooking), in such case the airline company must reimburse the price of the ticket, another ticket in the following airplane or another flight in another date, paying the totality of the costs that this fact means for the client. If it is impossible to fly, by personal and justified causes, and considering the time of anticipation with which it is let know, it is possible to lose only the money by expenses of management or to cheap lose the total price of the flight. Another disadvantage also that can get to generate the ticket purchase by means of Internet, is that several companies announce supply matchless that deceive the users and often they are only one smoke screen, since they are not resembled which at all they publish and they finish being a swindle for the user. Really, to acquire a cheap flight, the trick is especially in being flexible in dates and to realise the search with tranquillity and time. The tariffs modify continuously, until including of one night for another one, which makes indispensable corroborate them of constant form. Another characteristic to consider is to be flexible at the time of choosing destinies, since there are more probabilities of finding the supply that turns the trip into cheap. And fundamentally, to let themselves advise by the destinies that propose to you and to travel to the best possible price.