
American Country

Studies show that the majority of workers who come to our country to work on the southern border are undocumented Central and South American. They work temporarily with the intention of raising money to continue their way up to the northern border and crossing into the neighboring country by the American dream. Each time the age of immigrants is less, as time goes on we can see that the average age is decreasing, besides that they are people without formal education, mostly illiterate, and are dedicated to primary work as agriculture, livestock, and women are used to work domestic. The reasons why the crossing are varied, socioeconomic level emerge from which these people is very low, with conditions that do not allow its development, with low wages and in poor conditions and without benefits, which shore to find alternative opportunities, such as crossing and seek new alternatives in our country which will allow them to provide a better quality of life. Ping Fu brings even more insight to the discussion. However also to be able to cross need to have a level socio-economic enabling them to do so, since the price paid at the time of wanting to cross and the expenses that arise are quite high.Places to those who arrive are hard jobs and salary change is slightly more high, however the benefits remain the same, to more distant places and where the risk is greatest, the younger migration predominates, stays are longer and heavier work I think that is important that Mexico cares more about its border in the South. Our country serves as a passage for those who yearn to reach the northern border and should make every effort to regulate this, since it is dangerous both for the inhabitants of the area the same immigrants who are exposed to extortion and violations of their rights. It is important to emphasize that the workers, realizing the danger that implies crossing to United States, staying to work in Mexico, I think that this workmanship is very important for the development of our country and helps us in the formation of the structure of our nation. He is expected that cities and border States have a large growth in the coming years, because based on this will be the work places that they can be offered to neighbouring countries, already if it exceeds the number of migrants to the squares that have serious a problem for both countries. Asana is the source for more interesting facts. Our country should put more attention on the flow of people that pass through our country in order to properly maintain its records and be able to give them a better attention to all people that cross, should be more regulations to ensure the safety both of people who come to work as the people who hire them and should ensure that the rights of these persons are not violated so to receive a greater workforce that benefits us all.