) Inside of this picture it remained to communist parties if to adaptarem to the great only center of decision and, the communist International passed, ‘ ‘ of instrument of the socialist revolution in instrument of the diplomacy of the bureaucracy sovitica’ ‘ . With this new configuration the U.R.S.S placed in practical one politics, whose only intention was to defend its interests while nation, that is, the proliferation of the revolution in world-wide scope left the order of the day in detriment of the strategical alliances, such as the politics of pacific coexistence. An example clearly of these delineations made until is the case of the Spanish civil war here, where the U.R.S.S supported an alliance, an only front of all the social classrooms around the popular front, locating against workers and peasants whom if they had organized spontaneously coletivizando lands and against military services that if courageous imposed against the forces of Franco.O broken communist of Spain following the determination of the only center: The encarniado more became defender, more the sanguinrio consequence and of the reestablishment of the bourgeois order. It did not make it, certainly, as agent of the bourgeoisie, but yes as agent of kremlin, blinded for the fear of that a victorious socialist revolution in Spain and France would lead to one ‘ ‘ great aliana’ ‘ all the imperialistas powers against the Sovitica.No Union if dealt with, certainly, of a tactical viragem. As soon as the Soviet diplomacy changed the weapon of shoulder and concluded the pact Hitler-Estaline//(Mandel, Ernest. 1977). Mandel clearly leaves the direction of the actions undertaken for the U.R.S.S, and is exactly these actions that had provoked great disillusionments and loss of militant in the European communist parties, that is, with the evidence spoils of it of the intentions of the Soviet behavior soobrou to the European communist parties to undertake an independent, desvencilhada behavior of the great only center, therefore, it forges in the sphere of the peripcias of the Soviet bureaucracy and prohibited been improper its of the socialism in one alone country and of the practical one of the popular front, alliance of classrooms in the search of the social-democratization.
Equally, in terms politicians, the interest and bets in the participation politics of the diligent classroom passed to eminently play one current fort of fight for hegemony and democratization of the spaces politicians (movement of ' ' Trabalhismo' ' of the national unions), putting in guideline the aspitaes social politics, demands and specific necessities felt by the classroom, as was if establishing this collective identity and conscience of classroom), at par that ' went if fortifying an archetype; ' tradicional' ' of laboring classroom, ' ' with its vises and standards of living of world especficos' ' (P. 280) that, according to author, did not arrive to emerge very before the decade of 1880 and acquired its feies in the following pair of decades – as well as the sprouting of ' ' classroom mdia' ' such we know it to which, its particular figurino and habits (polar region, games of golf, etc), not homogeneizada of what the force that the local and regional roots still possuam in the way of being of the laboring classroom – preservation of the customs, of the folklore, etc. in addition, resisted such trend of standardization/uniformizao. Hobsbawn says of a itensificao and ' social and institucional norteamento of the classroom operria' ' , before invisible, expressing also in the directed cultural industry to the popular one; the proliferation of the press specialized in popular music, for example. Simultaneously, a presumption increment of the standard of living of the workers to the time, decurrent of the low cost of living, the social of the state in respect to the housing, beyond the intensification of the internal consumption, characteristic programs that changes in the production system corroborate the structural alterations in course (; in the consumption habits; in the ways of it offers of the merchandises; in the strategies of association and cooperation between the workers).