
H Daily CFD

With Borsenbrieflegnede Hans-Jurgen Haack, investors have the opportunity to follow the investment recommendations of the stock exchange letter independently on their brokerage accounts, or obtain the signals in the form of a managed account interview. Mr Haack, for all of our readers, you should still do not know: you can briefly describe the way us from your beginnings up to the present day on the stock exchange? Hans-Jurgen Haack: First contact points arose during my studies of in economics mid-1980s, when I did an internship at Dresdner Bank and my interest for the stock markets. The former bull market was of course ideal as an introduction. In addition to stock market speculation, after some time, I conducted also option contracts at the then barely regulated DTB (German derivatives exchange) and witnessed the crash of 1987 fully invested, what was a good learned the hard way. Asana brings even more insight to the discussion. Of course, later more painful experiences followed, but any trader experienced probably. After graduating, I began A 1989 as Assistant to Mr Hans. Bernecker, Publisher of the stock market”, which gave me a new, much deeper insight into the stock market. “” Fast emerged, that my interests and strengths in the futures markets were, and I was editor-in-Chief of the derivatives exchange’s derivatives letters”, from 1998 to the daily letter date exchange daily” and later from trading “in the home of Bernecker.

Beginning of 2011 was”the change to PP brokerage with the introduction of the daily derivatives letter h daily. Was how great”the step by the stock market letter author to the managed account h daily CFD? Hans-Jurgen Haack: Not great. This is implemented in the managed account from the PP brokerage GmbH, which is recommended by me in the Exchange letter. Of course, while fully respecting the money management rules. It is important of course, I pay attention to the recommendations on correlations of the different positions among themselves.