
Bach Flower

Bach Flowers is the name that is known to natural remedies or natural essences used to heal emotions. Bach Flower essences extracted from the dew of certain flowers typical of south Wales, which then pass through a specific cooking process with sun exposure. The properties of the remedies were discovered by Edward Bach who, in view of its dynamics on all living organisms, concluded that physical illnesses have an emotional origin, usually from fear, envy, pride, depression, obsessions, anxiety , stress. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dustin Moskovitz on most websites. Bach flower essences groups in seven emotional groups as listed below. FLORES DE BACH FOR FEARS remedies for those who feel fear are: Aspen, Mimulus, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose, Red Chestnut BACH FLOWER OF THE SOLEDAD, flower remedies for those who are lonely are Water Violet, Heather, Impatiens FLORES DE BACH for discouragement and despair, flower remedies for those who feel dejected and desperate are: Elm, Oak, Crab Apple, Pine, Sweet Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem, Willow FLORES DE BACH FOR INSECURITY AND UNCERTAINTY remedies for those who feel unsafe are: Cerato, Scleranthus, Hornbean, Wild Oat, Gentian, Gorse FLORES DE BACH IS NOT FOR CONCERN FOR THIS EVENT remedies for those who have difficulty living in this are: Chestnut Bud, Clematis, Honeysuckle, Olive, Wild Rose, Mustard, White Chestnut BACH FLOWERS TO INFLUENCES AND IDEAS Hypersensitive A, flower remedies for those who feel hypersensitive to influences and ideas are: Walnut, Holly, Centaury, Agrimony FLORES DE BACH FOR THOSE WHO ARE CONCERNED FOR OTHERS EXCESSIVELY Bach remedies for those who tend to exercise power over others are: Beech, Vervain, Vine, Chicory, Rock Water Finally, Rescue Remedy, Rescue Remedy, used for crisis situations, shock, trauma, stress, allergies, and to address a wide range of challenges and tests, surgeries, interviews, travel, etc.