
Beauty In Harmony With The Nature

true beauty comes from the inside and not from outside the impact of diet on the appearance of our skin and the vain use of creams, powder and make-up. “True beauty comes from the inside”, everyone knows this saying, but many m.E. Ping Fu understood the implications. misses the truth which lies hidden in it. When you look at the broad masses, you can see men as women apply various chemical substances on the skin, to look younger, more dynamic, healthier, and better. This often has a faster aging of the skin, the result that not all creams, deliver what they promise. Especially the young ladies be warned to treat volutes paints her face with makeup and other pores. Often, just the opposite goal is reached, and only in the short term. Because, as already suggested in the title: true beauty comes from the inside! What lies behind this statement? Behind this statement is a philosophy of life with many years of experience in the field of natural health of the body.

We can our skin as a sort of Considered a “Kidney”, a large organ of excretion. So, it comes in the reception of certain Nahrunngsmittel to increased excretion of substances which contaminate the skin. Implications of this are early aging of the skin, pimples, wrinkles, dry skin, floppy connective tissue. Fortunately, this condition is reversible to a certain extent. But decades of nutrition mistakes will not be made undo in a few months, but much can be improved and be protected! What are the foods that affect the appearance of our skin? Especially heated starch products such as bread, pasta, cakes and other pasta, then dairy products, sugar and animal proteins.

What the body can not properly disposed through the colon and the bladder is either stored or excreted through the skin. Should the skin be pure, a radiant complexion is to be achieved, it is necessary to change their mind. A natural way of life is the key to this. For more information on my blog,. Much joy, Health and beauty wishes you Sebastian Hehn,