On March 18, 2012 in the swing Cafe of in Berlin-Kreuzberg MAXIXE dance school, Stefan Wuthe is his new book ‘ Swingtime in Germany ‘ present. Swing is on the rise. Especially younger people enjoy the swing again. How this appeal and why in Germany? In the 1920s lure performances of the best American bands, the best musicians in Paris, Amsterdam, London or Berlin to tens of thousands. The new music and new dances celebrate just triumphs true in Germany over the radio, plates, films, dancing, etc.. The trend continued despite bans, persecutions, disabilities in the Nazi era: jazz records were pressed in the 1930s, German labels had an amazing offer from Count Basie to Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, American films with swing deposits were shown in relevant bars American danced the young swing Hamid fine English way of life, and German orchestras (such as Oscar Joost or Heinz demonstrated.
Wehner) mimicked their American role models successfully. In 1938, the situation was considerably more difficult: jazz or swing were as unwanted suppresses styles, Benny Goodman for example could no longer be played as a Jewish musician, on the radio, only German recordings were allowed. The murderous war caused then the end of any kind of entertainment music, only the right exotic. The more violent she blossomed again in the post-war period, especially in the American-occupied parts of Germany, where jazz and swing to the everyday life soon crushed but quickly were: as trivial arranged Schlager music, Dixieland Aufwasch. The Jazz itself was rather elitist: as Modern Jazz, bebop and Free Jazz. Up to the amazing revival of swing at the end of the eighties…