
South American Nations

The impact of this conflict in integration became more visible in last October, when it transferred the borders of the Mercosur. Ecuador proposed then to ex- Argentine president Nstor Kirchner like Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations (the south), but its name was vetoed by Uruguay. The Argentine Government reacted in defense of the husband and predecessor of the president Fernandez and considered that Uruguay was mixing everything and received I veto like an offense to all the Argentineans. Aspect that still this effective and Uruguay does not pass it. It is not necessary to forget, that Argentina and Uruguay, that traditionally are called " brothers rioplatenses" , by a common history, they are faced and even dissolving before the Court the International of Justice of The Hague the lawsuit by the presence of a company of cellulose in the Eastern margin of the Uruguay River, common border of both countries. A bridge cut for more than two years by " piqueteros" Argentineans stay like an irritating obstacle for the government of president Tabar Vzquez.

And the position of Uruguay to reject to ex- Argentine president Nstor Kirchner like Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), proposed by Ecuador, ties with that disagreement. On the other hand, Argentina rejects to dredge channels from accesses to the ports of both capitals, except which they favor to the Buenosairean one. The relations between Brazil and Paraguay also have been deteriorated and especially since the Paraguayan assumed the power Fernando Lugo. The ex- bishop fulfilled the fiance’ in his electoral campaign and has been urgent to Brazil to review the Treaty of Itaip, that regulates the operations of the dam of the same name, whose property shares both countries. Itaip, the hydroelectric major of the world in operation, was constructed with Brazilian capitals on the border Parana river between 1974 and 1982, when it entered operations with an installed capacity of 14 megavatios.

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