

Happened that someone who know you questions just how are you? and then comes a barrage of explanations for their problems, personal misfortunes, complaints, problems etc there is always depends on the approach that one gives you if you think about it as opportunities for change and improvement is a good start focusing on the solution rather than the problem, enabling more do you what do you usually do?do, in what you so? focusing your attention on something that something is growing!.And if that something proposed solution so much better! The power of the approach towards the results proposed by the NLP completely changes the perspective of things, and on all the use of the language in a positive way, making us the right questions, those that solve problems. An example of questions that solve problems: How can I do it? (instead of why why is a gateway to the excuses!). What is the objective? What I want to for me? What I wish for you? Why am I here? There is a story I want to share with you: was told by writer Ken Blanchard (the Executive to the minute) about something that happened to Norman Vincent Peale, a remarkable character and author of the Best Seller the power of positive thinking. Into an opportunity, Peale crosses the street with a friend, George which not denoted any trace of joy, but also all the contrary then asks how was, and George took the opportunity to give the cause of their woes, too many for a single person Peale replied: I dislike seeing you so how is it that you have come to this State? George told him that was for the problems that I had, that was clogged with problems besides George proposed to her: if I get rid of my problems I will give you five thousand dollars to any entity of charities to your liking (Peale was a Protestant pastor).

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