
Rocky Balboa Salesman

The Fear as it at some time arms to your favor of the life all we have felt fear. Fear to fail, fear to speak, fear to know, fear to experiment, etc. When we wanted to speak to him for the first time to that so special person, when we took the first bus I publish for the first time or when we changed of school. The fear is something that always we have with us and who we must learn to handle and to use to our favor. The champion feels the same fear that the coward and the equipment star feels the same fear that the equipment challenges that them. Memory one of the films of Rocky Balboa when the trainer said to him to Rocky that the boxer who was next to there also felt the same fear that he, used who it to his favor.

The fear can paralyze to you but also it can push to you the personal success. You decide if the fear makes you back down or it makes you advance. Once it give a step forward, you begin to use it to your favor. Within the field of the sales much is used the budget to be able to focus the salesmen. For example, a budget of $5,000 was assigned to us dollars in the month and each salesman had to worry to obtain that goal. To all the salesmen somehow this them cause fear, because in some companies they can lose the use if it does not fulfill the goals or budget. Now, what differentiated an excellent salesman from a mediocre salesman? Both their goals felt the same fear to the knowledge but the excellence salesman used that fear and that adrenalin to his favor to impel itself to look for good prospectuses and to close good sales. The excellent salesman when seeing that to the second week according to the tendency that takes he is not going to obtain the goal, decides to use that adrenalin and fear to create an action plan helps that it to reach its goals.

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