
Porfirio Munoz Ledo Manuel

Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.-the people change, it is true, but really a former PRI member can change?. Hardly. Just look at the first circle of Andres Lopez Manuel Obrador, former candidate of the PRD and the origins of the political and of the same party. The same PRD is the twin brother of the PRI. It all began with the democratic current within the PRI organized by Cuauhtemoc Cardenas and Porfirio Munoz Ledo in 1986.

Consolidated the candidacy of the son of former President Lazaro Cardenas del Rio around a number of opposition parties called the national democratic front, which in turn served as the basis for founding, on 5 May 1989, the Party of the democratic revolution. Remember the reader the same Manuel Andres was President of the State PRI in Tabasco? And all those who are saying that they do not affect the former PRI members in the PRD that are former PRI members. Only changed their skin but they are still the same managers, rolleros and political malice. Much for 2012 and already Andres Manuel announced Yes It contendera to the Presidency of the Republic. In its language, would not re-election? post which is the legitimate President as is auto proclaimed on November 20 last year in the Zocalo of Mexico City. And who says that the former PRI not clog in the now broad democratic front headed by Porfirio Munoz Ledo, former leader of the PRI in the presidential succession of Luis Echeverria Alvarez Jose Lopez Portillo, are wrong.

Ricardo Monreal was Governor of Zacatecas for the PRD because it could not previously by the PRI. Arturo Nunez up leader of the Chamber of Deputies, when this was a branch of the President’s comprehensive power and Dante Delgado worked alongside Fernando Gutierrez Barrios, was substitute Governor in Veracruz and now has his own party, convergence, adhered to Lopez Obrador. And what of Manuel Camacho Solis? Already forgot the respectable as removed lights to the assassinated candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio? Things such as: the old PRI, now with skin of the famous democratic broad front are prepared another attempt by the power perhaps to return us to the harrowing days of the autocratic abstract, enemy of democracy. To the carrier if the former PRI speaks as PRI, walks like PRI and has mornings of PRI, never ceased to be PRI.

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