
Mora Vanegas

Carlos Mora Vanegas has been written, that the process of preventing work stress does not end with evaluation. But more should be the prevention of stress from work as a continuous process that uses evaluation data to refine or send the intervention strategy to a new address. Many workers given to features that have the current modern ones, are subject to stress, leads to manifest an atmosphere of discontent, a negative climate that is reflected in concerns, discomforts physical, psychic, productivity, insecurity. Of course, there are many causes that give step to manifest the stress, uncertainty, economic instability, dismissal, closure of companies, changes, threats, as well as some that the nature of the work is changing with the speed of a whirlwind. Perhaps now more than ever, stress caused by work represents a threat to the health of workers and, consequently, the health of organizations. CDC.gov/spanish, on the theme exhibits, that job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional reactions that occur when the requirements of the job do not equate the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Work stress can lead to poor health, until the wound. The concept of work stress often is confused with the challenge, but these concepts are not the same.

The challenge invigorates us psychologically and physically, and motivates us to learn new skills and master our jobs. When we meet a challenge, we feel relaxed and satisfied. Then the challenge is an important ingredient of the healthy and productive work. Probably to the importance of the challenge in our work life relate those who say a little stress is good. To this is added, that almost all are in agreement that the stress of work results from the interaction of the worker and the working conditions. However, opinions differ on the importance of the characteristics of the worker against the importance of the working conditions as the first cause of the stress of work.

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