
Longlife Milk

Not only supermarkets take advantage of mobile marketing! Mirror online reported last month on bar code”an app that gives a melody products with bar codes. Do you need it? Singing UHT milk should be slightly exaggerated as mobile marketing measures in the minds of most. Due to rising Smartphone user numbers is the potential of mobile apps for businesses but not to be underestimated. The future therefore is mobile has made it the company of flyacts GmbH to the task, to develop mobile Web apps (mobile application). 3D Systems has compatible beliefs. Apps for companies in all possible areas, E.g. gastronomy, services sector and culture sector are conceivable. Mobile, you can be in any industry “, Marcus Funk, assured we show CEO of flyacts GmbH., how companies can make interactive apps to its customers happy.” The benefits of mobile apps of of marketing, by which companies can benefit, include: Specific targeting without spreading loss direct dialogue with customers Offering added value (exclusive information material and offers) simplification of business processes place – and time-independent marketing withdrawal from the competition flyacts designed on basis of a number of modules for each request no matter how extraordinary the performances are an inpiduelle app. If necessary we make also chocolate bars dance.. (Similarly see: Procter & Gamble).

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