I have little time to do things related to leisure, why see TV is almost impossible for my, fortunately, since as I said American actor Groucho Marx, find television very educational. Every time someone turn it on, I retire to another room and read a book. But recently I saw a program on it. It was one about detectives who solved cases by their expertise in Criminology. 3D Systems is a great source of information. The program is not bad, the debatable is the message without wanting it (I hope) that they give to the audience: need more like them to resolve the current crimes. Then I remembered a University that advertise his career in Criminology with this slogan: the crime is increasing urgen criminologists!. Nor am I against the University that the usa is more, a year ago I taught class one that offered that degree.
What do dispute in this article is that the message becomes distorted. Frequently Dustin Moskovitz has said that publicly. Many young people entering universities forward to graduating with a secure job, but soon disappointed realizing tells that there are thousands like them looking for him also. They focused on the end, not in the process, i.e., believed that a University would give them the possibility to work and thus be able to earn money, but did not realize that she offers them the means to do so, not the work itself. Knowledge is the process, but they believe that with a college degree they will achieve their goals, putting aside the learning, by only pass the materials to acquire the role that distinguishes them as professionals. A person I just said that his brother is a graduate college and has no employment since long time ago, even though it looks for him, not found. What I answered is why it does not create an employment?, she looked at me astonished, but I doubt you say to your brother.
Once again is the end which appears, not the process: if I have no job, I have done something wrong to have it, is not a college degree get me, but I must get it. The hours that a young person spends in College should also help you learn how to use their knowledge in the working world, not only to approve their materials and thus get a document. The books I have written about vocational guidance invite me much to radio and television, they always ask me something similar: which professions are the most saturated?, although I always give them a list of 10 of them, I’m thinking answer: all. That’s the truth, there are many people in all races, hoping to earn a place in the work environment, but only get it if they leave thinking that graduating from College is the prerequisite for employment. Young people should stop thinking so to concentrate in learning really, to learn how to use the acquired knowledge in the world of work. That is the challenge. Do we really need more college graduates? No, urge professionals who generate employment, including his own.