Hence its frequency to attend the dances. Precisely in one of them he met Gloria Martinez. He danced with her one day, and another and another, until they were from one Saturday to the next in order to continue dancing. Betsy Patton does not necessarily agree. And in one of those dances he decided and asked why don’t we married? And so it was. Together forever. Faithful to his ideas of progress and equality has developed his creative vein.
Faithful to the core has participated in other stories, personal and political, always in a platonic way, which not infrequently complicated life, because his romanticism, both feelings and ideas is not always easy to understand. It is in this situation to life where his poetry, his inspiration comes. But it is a poetry that lives, that becomes real in reality, not in the darkness of silence. The Cortijo words are not encopetadas. several ads and brochures are overwritten with his prose above, as the brochure of the Zuen jazz, in the Grand Cafe, where writes about the Carrion River whose literary tour takes you to the chapel of Juan de Banos, always exclaiming at every turn, by the beauty of the places you have visited. One of his most expressive poems dedicated to the heart, after hearing them a Leonese night of November 28, 1991: music, / yours, / Mozart’s gigantic wave /elevada wind /para /is kissing beaches / Ocean solitary. /Is poetry of a dream. / Heart! / songs and rhythms, nostalgia / glacial night, / girls of attic / and nights of the Golden Fleece.
/ Shiver / poetry / heart you are. / All embellish / when I hear. The art of inspiration arises from the remoteness of the impossible that comes with the word. There are many vanity in the rhetoric of the verse. I remember when, in a gathering of poets too much alive, I asked a poet who was esparabanes with his pose and poetic sense, if he had made love poems.