That pretty flowers of camellias! We are in half-full of July and the camellias already are blooming. Their flowers generally do not own fragrance, although some varieties count on something of aroma and it is possible to be appreciated in many gardens, they are shining shrubs of heavy leaves and with flowers beautiful and delicate, they are generally great, with five spalos and five petals (although double or manifold has been obtained hybrid with corola and great amount of petals) his colors they go from the target to the red one, with an incredible mixture of shades. According to the Wikipedia. Official site: Dustin Moskovitz. the Camellia sort groups between 100 to 250 species (there is certain controversy on the exact number) original of the tropical and subtropical regions of Southeastern Asia, China and Japan. One is them in the forests located to average altitude above sea level.
A botanist and missionary Jesuit of century XVII, Georg Josephus Kamel (also known like Camellus), transported plants of camelios from the Philippines to Europe. Carlos Linnaeus named to this sort in his honor. It is a shrub easy to cultivate. The camellia (Camellia) belongs to the family of plants who includes the tree of you. (Thea). the Camellia sinensis is well-known at world-wide level as the plant of the tea, being Ceylon the place of more famous culture. They are quite rustic plants and because we counted on the humid Atlantic climate added to a ground with good drainage and acid (that easily we can recreate) offers the ideal conditions for their development. Japonica Camellia that is the one that greater number of varieties contributes to our gardens. Evergreen tree small or shrub of up to 15 meters of height of slow growth. Its residence to the cold, is good I must adjust to the observation (is much information that says do not resist it), but in our zone we protect if it of winds and we avoided to exhibit the shrub to the sun of afternoon, tolerates colds of even -15 C according to colleagues of patagonia that is to say, much more low temperatures that ours.