Jacarepagu occupation: Positive and negative impacts Certainly, Jacarepagu, the Region of the Lowered one of Jacarepagu is a region where we can observe a classic example of disordered occupation involving society, historical time, governments and environment. The Region of the Lowered one of Jacarepagu, although to possess historical elements, dated of the time of the Brazil-Colony, it only tried a more significant occupation and ambient impacts (ambient impacts remember, can in such a way be positive how much negative) from the decade of 60 of the passed century, therefore, until the World War II, the population of the city of Rio De Janeiro was very intent in the central region of the city, later, the most supplied had been for Copacabana and, also, it occupied if the Leopoldina and Zona North. However, in the decade of 60, had to the swell of the inhabited places more of the city of Rio De Janeiro, it more had a demographic explosion in the areas moved away from the center, as Lowered Fluminense and Jacarepagu, quarter this that until then, possua a population whose routine was very on the buclica tranquillity of some villages, farms and the well preserved environment. We observe that, with the construction of the stretch of the BR-101 River-Bahia (in the decade of 40), it was more easy for the migrante northeastern and person from de state of espirito santo to come ' to try sorte' in then capital federal, where it had the great increment of industries and great public works, fact that lasted until the Military Regimen (which ' construiu' the Bar of the Tijuca, Subway, ' Piranho' , etc), without speaking of the verticalizao in Copacabana. With this, the sector of the civil construction needed each time more man power, attracting each time more northeasterns and migrantes of other parts of the country. In this context, Jacarepagu started to be the new area of industrial expansion of Rio De Janeiro, since the central region was saturated, thus, industrials if they had installed today in the region more intent throughout the Road of the Bandeirantes.