Meditando in sayings. (4.13) Above all that if it must keep to guard your heart because from it proceeds to the exits from the life (pv 4,23) in the heart this the source from the desires and all the decisions that we take. Everything proceeds from the heart therefore has that to evaluate our attitudes and to be always searching the kingdom of GOD (TM. 6 33) GOD in the test in the heart (dt.8.2) we meditamos in the heart) (sl. 19.14) we hide the word of GOD in the heart (119.11) we believe in the heart. (rm.10.9) we sing in the heart.
(ef.5.19) therefore we must always examine our heart, as this its now. Also it has heart that the evil schemes (sl.140-2) thinks about the heart (mc.2 8) doubts in the heart will more continue sending pra you something on the heart because I understand that we very need to leave Jesus to examine our hearts agrees. It stops it thinks and it still examines its in time to confess in the heart (dt 8,5) GOD also it wants to know what this in its .medita heart (dt 8,2) and goes more he has advanced That you he can illuminate its mind and take it captive the obedience the Christ, and destroy all the ortalezas that they hinder to make its will. That the Christ peace who exceeds all agreement can always direct its heart.