
Banquet And Awards

1st Prize Category E studiante Hall Art Painting, Fine Arts School Villa Maria Clara Gomez Emiliano. Ceramic Vase 2do Competition Award, School of Fine Arts Villa Maria Clara Gomez Emiliano. Contest Participaci n spots “Birth of the General San Mart n, Villa Maria. Meeting Participaci n the amateur category Landscape Painting, Villa Merlo San Luis. Third Participaci n Hall School of Fine Arts Painting Emiliano Gomez Clara, grade art students Villa Maria. Participaci n The “Regional University II Salon of Painting,” Culture Area Municipality of Villa Maria Cba. Participaci n Regional Painting Hall Tribute to Fernando Bonfiglioli, Villa Maria. Stimulus Premio Young Artist, Professor Antonio Arboreal Tribute Hall, Municipal Culture Center Villa Maria. Menci n Jury in 1st Exhibition of Painting of the winners of the 5th Decorative Painting Contest, Unquillo Cba. Regional Chamber Premio Young Artist Painting Andreata Hector Tribute. Fernando Bonfiglioli Museum. Villa Maria Cba. Painting Contest Participaci n outdoors 77th anniversary of the Sport Social Club Villa Maria. Argentine Participaci n the Visual Arts Award, 2004 edition, organized by Fundaci n OSDE. Buenos Aires. Provincial Hall Participaci n Painting Domingo Jose Martinez, Issue 2005, Centro Municipal de Cultura Villa Maria. Argentine Participaci n the Visual Arts Award, 2005 edition, organized by Fundaci n OSDE. Buenos Aires. Award Primer Regional Chamber Bonfiglioli Fernando Painting Museum, Centro Municipal de Cultura Villa Maria. Participaci n Provincial Hall of Bonfiglioli Fernando Painting Museum, Villa Maria Cba.

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