
Banks In Colombia

Colombia is a country that has built its economy primarily in the business of agriculture and natural resource exploitation, and then moving to various processes of transformation and thus offer different products derived from nature, but in recent times has given way to a major foray into other areas that generate large benefits to the economy, a clear example is the banking, which has found an important development through banks in Colombia, thanks to the marketing strategies that promote the activity currency in circulation by putting more capital from loans which are then to be invested in the market and also through deposits that are the same support of banks in Colombia for loans that they made. As you can understand the banks in Colombia mean a point of great importance to the economy, therefore it is appropriate to know a little more of the conditions of banks in Colombia. So to start with the topic, it is worth saying that the historical process due to banks in Colombia is very little, so much the first bank to be able to sustain in Colombia Bogota was the bank that appeared in 1870, while in other countries and banks were a great career, so for a long time never to achieve an important development in terms of banks in Colombia, which is due to various social problems, political and government intervention. Serious until the 1970s that began to advance the issue of banks in Colombia, which allows for the emergence of new banks and the strengthening of the few existing and the 1990s boom is given financial and both the activity of banks in Colombia, which led to the presence of many new banks and the arrival of several foreign entities, all this meant one of the greatest achievements by banks in Colombia that was the financial expertise and left behind a monopoly banking, what emerges best competitive conditions and therefore more favorable to the client aspects. With the new conditions market banks in Colombia achieved a high growth, which led to the presence of some banks that stand out for their achievements and capitalization, among these can be found: The bank AV Villas, which has established itself among banks in Colombia through the proposed new products and improving the conditions of the traditional benefits, to which is added to this bank belongs to Grupo Aval, which is one of the largest financial conglomerates in the country. Bancolombia is one of the largest financial institutions in the country and is Colombia’s largest bank by assets, which is supported by the large presence that has across the country. Note the presence in Colombia of some of the world’s major banks such as BSCH, BBVA and HSBC, which have largely driven the financial market and that despite being world renowned entered Colombia with good competition, which favors higher standards in banking.

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