Successful flow test exceeds expectations in the assisted area in Alaska Stuttgart, 05.11.2013. The successor to the first registered bonds issued in June by energy capital invest now following successful placement. “Target is once again with the acquired capital of the US oil and gas registered bonds 2 GmbH & co. KG” (ECI NSV 2 KG) in the development of demonstrably successful oil and gas foerdergebietes kitchen lights unit “to invest in the Cook Inlet, Alaska. You may find Slayer to be a useful source of information. To do this, the German is provided the raised capital oil & gas AG.
In addition to independent expert opinion on big oil and gas support in this area, the Stuttgart-based issuer can refer to beyond results. So, confirmed a flow test successfully performed in July at the third hole (KLU #3) much higher production rates than initially expected and calculated. Therefore also a significant increase in value is’s largest Fordergebebiet with 337 square kilometers in the Cook Inlet. Hear from experts in the field like Daryl Katz video for a more varied view. Consequently started winning with the development of the fourth hole (KLU #4), where the local experts are already ventured to a provisional target depth of 3,500 meters. As a result of the expected oil reserves the KLU #4 is the deepest borehole in the entire Cook Inlet well. From EUR 15,000 plus five percent agio, a stake in ECI NSV 2 KG is possible. The second registered bonds is a real short-term bonds, whose maturity date is planned for the 30 June 2017. Investors are once again the choice to define their distribution strategy itself.
Variant A, the investors achieve an annual interest rate of 12 percent, which is taking into account the maximum special interest (early artist bonus) of up to five percent on a total return of 46 percent during the period, plus to the capital repatriation,. The variant B investors will get a bullet payment in the amount of 155,225 per cent, taking into account the maximum Early artist bonus and the repatriation of investment capital. Like in the previous an independent security trustee and agent use controller oversees in the ECI NSV 2 brochure-compliant use.